The whole food movement, not to be confused with WholeFoods market, would say if you have to read the ingredients on your food at all you’re probably not eating right. These people eat food that have been around for hundreds if not thousands of years, sometime literally! Just as the Sourdough bread maker would keep back a bit of dough to start his next batch, these folks insist that leaving food items out in the open air where the gather the bacteria and yeasts etc floating in the air and then fermenting (?) or growing, I would say these, say vegetables or pickles, then eating them will actually be very healthy for you, especially because the contain the bacteria from your environment. I’m this a little scared of some aspects of this. I do know that for other people, such as myself, carrying a lot of extra weight, especially during the summer is even more dangerous. Also for our planet eating a lot of meat, especially corn-fed beef is bad if only because it requires so much in terms of resources to produce. The quite notable exception to this would be cows that eat the waste products of alcohol production, the fermentation process here actually makes the nutrients more available to the cows digestive systems, this means the cows need to eat much less for a greater food value. The meat of these cows, and range-grazed and unfinished (i.e. not corn-fed right before slaughter), is also healthier for humans to consume. But how do you know you are getting this better form of beef? The whole food folks would take you closer to the old family farm; I’ll call it the neighborhood or town farm, sitting next to a small to medium sized distillery, whose livestock are fed the waste materiel wet with the yeasts still growing on them. By the way, in this case, the cows’ waste products may in turn be used as fertilizer, in a crop rotation system that divides the farm(s) immediately surrounding the distillery into sections that all have access, one or two at a time to the distillery, and the remainder would be plowed and used to grow crops, some of which in turn would be fermented.
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