Saturday, July 25, 2020
Monday, May 18, 2015
soul, spirit & body
Though the two are often used interchangeably, and I've seldom seen one without the other, I like to think of spirit as the motive, action, doing, energy part of ourselves and the soul as the symbolic structural part that we communicate. Because it is symbolic, it also frees us from mere physics. The body in a physical world gives us ample opportunity to expend our energy, test and share our souls ideas with others in simular predicaments.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The Kingdom of Heaven is Here! Comment Section
Have no fear, though all review copies are in error, they are being corrected, sentences clarified and sections reordered to make this book more easily accessible and heresy free. Please post your observations and I will post the corrections accordingly. The section on "Abuse" has been redone, for example, and "Consciousness" (of God) remaining a sticky issue and major remaining question has been changed to awareness in some sections.
A Glossary of Terms with references though a great suggestion may end up waiting for the next book though and an index will eventually be added. The second book in the Zap Theology series will deal with relationships and the ensuing subject of ethics. For example, if we spend hundreds of dollars on a meal, and those people, that we gave the money to, spend it foolishly; are we in anyway responsible? Does whether we know this or not matter?
Having just returned from a river trip, I am stuck by the simple fact that the flight of a two person canoe is a great metaphor for relationships. Have you noticed that many time the paddlers must paddle on opposite sides of the boat to keep the course true. Not always though. How they feel about this interplay has an important effect on the enjoyment of the paddlers as well as the speed and efficiency with which they will reach their goal.
A Glossary of Terms with references though a great suggestion may end up waiting for the next book though and an index will eventually be added. The second book in the Zap Theology series will deal with relationships and the ensuing subject of ethics. For example, if we spend hundreds of dollars on a meal, and those people, that we gave the money to, spend it foolishly; are we in anyway responsible? Does whether we know this or not matter?
Having just returned from a river trip, I am stuck by the simple fact that the flight of a two person canoe is a great metaphor for relationships. Have you noticed that many time the paddlers must paddle on opposite sides of the boat to keep the course true. Not always though. How they feel about this interplay has an important effect on the enjoyment of the paddlers as well as the speed and efficiency with which they will reach their goal.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Atheists wanted!
With regards to the poll that found most Americans would not like for their daughter to date an atheist, I have found that atheists are actually a quite caring group of concerned citizens, in general. Many work for charities. Some are Buhdists, but perhaps some are Christians that do not know it, or do know it and just don't believe in their current concept of God. If atheists did not doubt God, but were sure that God doesn’t exist, they would have chosen to... define God as a delusion, that would be nothing more than a parlor trick, but this is not what they choose to do! Real atheists are constantly searching for Ideas of God that they can, nay must, believe in. However, because they question the faith of the religious, they make us uncomfortable. This effort however should be commended. As Kierkegaard stated, doubt, being an ultimate concern is a form of faith. Atheists are a sort of people that will not merely believe; they will test these beliefs, making them, once they figure things out, the very type of thinkers that religions will need for survival in the modern, scientific world.
Monday, May 25, 2009
North Korea commemorates Memorial Day with it's biggest firecracker ever!

What does North Korea's latest nuclear test show us? For one thing, making a nuclear weapon is not as difficult as we have been led to believe, or as we would like the world to believe. That, depending on the Earth to sustain us has, at best, a limited future. That, as long as we are still here on Earth, international boundaries are not as important as international peace. The best way we can honor our Veterans is to realize that an unending series of wars no way to run an economy is a luxury we can no longer afford. We must turn our remaining resources, our treasure, towards making the world a better place for those living in its poorest regions, for we can no longer afford the ecological disasters poverty, strife and conflict produce. It is now waste not, want less. We must buy local, think global. In my own family, I have found we can cut 25% from the budget, without really suffering. But we can go further. As waste loses its appeal socially, we can expect this to become a worldwide trend, somewhat similar to what is considered "beautiful" in terms of the female form. However now our tastes change faster. Already the auto makers' advertising has decreased and is shifting its focus from gas-guzzling super fortresses to technical intelligence, safety and miles per gallon. We, in the U.S. can eat less meat, and grow more vegetables in backyard gardens and city farms. Backyard composters and even Chicken tractors are becoming more popular in urban and suburban locations. This may not bode well for the current or future GDP but we must remember that the real humanitarians want humans to survive longer than this Earth, (longer than this Sun even).
buy local,
chicken tractors,
new economy,
think global
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Death of the G.rumpy O.ld P.eople
It has become obvious to many former and middle of the road republicans that the party can no longer win national elections, and that it is likely to continue to deteriorate. Future challengers on the National scene are likely to be the libertarians, whose already increasing popularity among Regan-style republicans and conservatives that do not share the GOPs recent hypocrytical schizophrenia could be joined by rank and file taxpayers as gas, liquor, parking, local, property, state income and federal taxes, (I know I missed a bunch!) rates rise. One the other hand and the key reason that the Libertarians might win are the greens who can take the far left and even some of the middle of the Democratic party based on the platform that Obama has not moved quickly enough or in the correct direction on the economy, ecological and climate issues, the wars, and the prosecution of war crimes, even against democrats... [QUOTE who="Jones"]Governor Huntsman is clearly a Marxist liberal in the GOP who 'jumps ship' like Arlene Specter did few weeks ago.
Huntsman will get more loans from China to support the money reckless spending madness of the African Muslim dictator China style Barack Hussein Obama.
Governor Huntsman crossed the aisle to serve the Democrats Marxist agenda as a liberal who does not belong in the GOP.
Huntsman is a liberal like McCain who crossed the aisle more than he stays in the other side of the aisle because he represents the other side of the aisle more than he represents the GOP side of the aisle.
GOP will not survive as a party because it is ruled by liberals that represent the Marxist pro-Islamic Dictatorship of Obama and the Democrats and the rule of government over the industry, banks, insurance, and automaker plants like in China.
Crossing the aisle by the Governor Huntsman is similar to the crossing of Arlene Specter, which was another Democrat who failed the GOP from within.
It is time to create a third Libertarian party that will defeat both GOP and the Marxist Democrats since GOP lost its bearing as the conservative party and seem to be non repairable party with no ideology.
Huntsman will get more loans from China to support the money reckless spending madness of the African Muslim dictator China style Barack Hussein Obama.
Governor Huntsman crossed the aisle to serve the Democrats Marxist agenda as a liberal who does not belong in the GOP.
Huntsman is a liberal like McCain who crossed the aisle more than he stays in the other side of the aisle because he represents the other side of the aisle more than he represents the GOP side of the aisle.
GOP will not survive as a party because it is ruled by liberals that represent the Marxist pro-Islamic Dictatorship of Obama and the Democrats and the rule of government over the industry, banks, insurance, and automaker plants like in China.
Crossing the aisle by the Governor Huntsman is similar to the crossing of Arlene Specter, which was another Democrat who failed the GOP from within.
It is time to create a third Libertarian party that will defeat both GOP and the Marxist Democrats since GOP lost its bearing as the conservative party and seem to be non repairable party with no ideology.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Fire the Unthinking Bum
I can just hear the Comedians now: White House military attacks New York.... Shaking buildings and knocking Mrs. Franklin's signed Patrick Ewing rookie card and a herd of antique china elephants off the Knicks-ka-nack shelf, or was it caused by the thunderous evacution of every family in the building's 32 floors, all down the fire escape, behind the wall that held the percious keepsakes in a stampede to flee the building? "First I thought it was an Earthquake, then I heard it was bin Ladin." One out of breath evacuee puffed.
The sad thing is that it isn't funny. It's very bad unthinking politics at it's worst. It makes the current administration look amateurish. Exactly, when they need to be developing the nation's trust.
Let's see what the headlines look like, shall we?
Hot Air » Blog Archive » Smart power: White House freaks out New ...
An Air Force One lookalike and two F-16s buzzed the Statue of Liberty in New York ..... He is out of the White House now,does not have the power to pull off these ... Is it your belief the next attack by some guys in caves will take out a city? ..... here ...
1046k - 149 sec @ 56k
White House Official Apologizes for Air Force One Photo Op in New
But for people who work in the New York financial district, the event brought back nightmares of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. Numerous buildings in lower Manhattan evacuated in a panic during this morning's false alarm. ... »White House Official Apologizes for Air Force One Photo Op in New York City; Updated 9 Minutes Ago...
577k - 82 sec @ 56k
This site uses Flash
Air Force One flyover sparks panic in New York World news ...
Apr 28, 2009 ... President Barack Obama was furious, a White House official who did not .... Air Force One photo op causes panic in New York. 28 Apr 2009: ...
505k - 72 sec @ 56k
The sad thing is that it isn't funny. It's very bad unthinking politics at it's worst. It makes the current administration look amateurish. Exactly, when they need to be developing the nation's trust.
Hot Air » Blog Archive » Smart power: White House freaks out New ...
An Air Force One lookalike and two F-16s buzzed the Statue of Liberty in New York ..... He is out of the White House now,does not have the power to pull off these ... Is it your belief the next attack by some guys in caves will take out a city? ..... here ...
1046k - 149 sec @ 56k
White House Official Apologizes for Air Force One Photo Op in New
But for people who work in the New York financial district, the event brought back nightmares of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. Numerous buildings in lower Manhattan evacuated in a panic during this morning's false alarm. ... »White House Official Apologizes for Air Force One Photo Op in New York City; Updated 9 Minutes Ago...
577k - 82 sec @ 56k
This site uses Flash
Air Force One flyover sparks panic in New York World news ...
Apr 28, 2009 ... President Barack Obama was furious, a White House official who did not .... Air Force One photo op causes panic in New York. 28 Apr 2009: ...
505k - 72 sec @ 56k
Monday, April 27, 2009
Whole Foods, Cows, and Alcohol
The whole food movement, not to be confused with WholeFoods market, would say if you have to read the ingredients on your food at all you’re probably not eating right. These people eat food that have been around for hundreds if not thousands of years, sometime literally! Just as the Sourdough bread maker would keep back a bit of dough to start his next batch, these folks insist that leaving food items out in the open air where the gather the bacteria and yeasts etc floating in the air and then fermenting (?) or growing, I would say these, say vegetables or pickles, then eating them will actually be very healthy for you, especially because the contain the bacteria from your environment. I’m this a little scared of some aspects of this. I do know that for other people, such as myself, carrying a lot of extra weight, especially during the summer is even more dangerous. Also for our planet eating a lot of meat, especially corn-fed beef is bad if only because it requires so much in terms of resources to produce. The quite notable exception to this would be cows that eat the waste products of alcohol production, the fermentation process here actually makes the nutrients more available to the cows digestive systems, this means the cows need to eat much less for a greater food value. The meat of these cows, and range-grazed and unfinished (i.e. not corn-fed right before slaughter), is also healthier for humans to consume. But how do you know you are getting this better form of beef? The whole food folks would take you closer to the old family farm; I’ll call it the neighborhood or town farm, sitting next to a small to medium sized distillery, whose livestock are fed the waste materiel wet with the yeasts still growing on them. By the way, in this case, the cows’ waste products may in turn be used as fertilizer, in a crop rotation system that divides the farm(s) immediately surrounding the distillery into sections that all have access, one or two at a time to the distillery, and the remainder would be plowed and used to grow crops, some of which in turn would be fermented.

gas crisis,
whole foods
Monday, April 13, 2009
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