Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Republican's Attack on the Demacrat's Plan to Save the Economy
For most Americans the current Republican tactic of complaining that the Democrat’s stimulus package is too large, falls on deaf ears. The reason for this is simply that the Republicans stood idly by while trillions of dollars were squandered in Iraq, on foreign oil, and on interest to China to fund the multi-trillion dollar deficit Obama was left with. Trying to deny him the means to do anything about it now seems hypocritical at minimum. A more thoughtful strategy would be to suggest by supporting failing Industries and financial strategies of the past we are preventing the economy from being about to naturally adapt to the new economic landscape. Restructuring State and Federal taxes, funding groundbreaking energy research, giving small grants to small and medium companies and learning institutions trying new ideas can help our economy find new, practical answers. The free market will determine the winners. If the French can safely burn their spent fuel rods through reprocessing in breeder reactors, how can America not take advantage of our nuclear waste and this technology? Why should we encourage the big three to manufacture an overabundance of vehicles that anyone can buy for a song used? Especially when they could be partnering with GE to produce and deploy wind turbines as they (GE) already do, with foreign companies overseas? We will need more light-rail, CNG busses and light transport in the new economy, GM could make those. Both of these companies (GM and GE) already have taken US taypayers' money, maybe we should just convert our shares to voting shares and force them to do so. The right way to "save" to economy is to help it "change" to face the changing world, not to prop up economic strategies already proven to fail, that waste resources, new strategies need to succeed.
Nathan Benefield
January 25 at 10:50am
You nailed it Rick, Obama is merely continuing the failed policies of George W. Bush. More spending on "infrastructure", more grants for "alternative energy", tax "rebates," more money for Medicare and Medicaid without reforming those programs. We tried this "fiscal stimulus" in 2001 and in 2008 - and it failed. Haven't we learned our lesson. If government spending leads to an economic boom, after 8 years in which Bush increase federal spending almost 70% (about twice as much as under Clinton), shouldn't our economy be booming? "The free market will determine the winners" - sounds good, but how will that work when the government is choosing winners to give taxpayer money to?FYI, light rail is a boondoggle, everywhere it is tried it end up costing taxpayers more and delivering few riders than promised. If I (as a taxpayer) am forced to become a shareholder in GM, I certainly don't want to force them to get into that business.
Frederick Kardatzke
Today at 9:42am
You nailed it Rick, Obama is merely continuing the failed policies of George W. Bush. answer- The reason for this is how bad of shape the economy is in thanks to the Republican party driving our economy into a huge hole under the ground. Obama feels forced to prop things up, which you are right, is a mistake. More spending on "infrastructure", more grants for "alternative energy", tax "rebates," more money for Medicare and Medicaid without reforming those programs. We tried this "fiscal stimulus" in 2001 and in 2008 - and it failed. Haven't we learned our lesson. If government spending leads to an economic boom, after 8 years in which Bush increase federal spending almost 70% (about twice as much as under Clinton), shouldn't our economy be booming? answer - The problem with Bush spending - it went overseas to destroy Iraq and line the pockets of the rich, who do not spend most of it, but hide increasing quantities of cash in foreign banks, and did not to produce anything in or for America."The free market will determine the winners" - sounds good, but how will that work when the government is choosing winners to give taxpayer money to? Answer - Clearly we are not going to have a completely "free" market in the US under the Republicans of the Democrats. We need to set up a new tax structure that gives incentives for planet and America saving behavior.FYI, light rail is a boondoggle, everywhere it is tried it end up costing taxpayers more and delivering few riders than promised. If I (as a taxpayer) am forced to become a shareholder in GM, I certainly don't want to force them to get into that business.Light rail and CNG bus production have been a profit maker for the companies that produce them (in Wisconsin) You need to look, instead of at the Gross profit of light rail at the net effects of it. Less traffic on the roads (which are subsidized by government) save us fossil fuels and give us alternatives when the foreign oil producers shut off supply. Before the Feds build the Interstate system there were many more thriving light rail companies operating and profiting in the US. But the greatest unrealized benefit (at least by the Republican party) is that it allows the urban poor to search for and hold jobs far from the urban blight which they live in, giving them a way out and the USA a new source of taxpayers instead of additional burdens.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Life in the New Economy
Have you lost your job or been downsized to part-time status? You may have thought having less work, you would have more time for an exercise program, taking up a forgotten hobby, or visiting friends and relatives. As you start putting more time into being greener, eating healthy, renewing, reusing and recycling, doing more for yourself around the home front and buying or bartering and trading you find they all take time and energy. Even though some of these activities do not make you the big money that you used to get in the old economy, they directly benefit your life, especially in the long run. At least generally, they are exercise.
We, as Americans especially, but as the capitalistic world in general have paid far too much attention the the gross numbers, GDP, Gross Profit, Gross margin, gross income. We need to start looking at the NET. When you start looking at the net, big picture wise, you start to realize that instead of merely acting for your body, or even your family is way too limited. Too limited to even be in your own, or your family's best interest. Long term, we need a bigger sense of self. Not one that is acting for the Whole in only the Here and Now, one that is acting here and now for the Whole with respect for the past and in the interests of the Future. If we save a gallon of gas, say, we have saved the work of the drillers to find and pump it out of the ground the refiners, storage facilities and shippers and retailers that brought it to me, the financiers that make this infrastructure possible and what they would have spent their profits on etc: And we have saved that resource for the future when they will be able to use it for polymers and plastics and other things we can't imagine yet.
Will this result in an economic downturn. Gross-wise and now-wise, yes; but we get a longer lasting world with healthier people to enjoy it so net-wise we win. Do we need 3 big automakers? No, but we do need manufactures. We need insulation, windmills and turbines and solar cells and cell phone towers. If we are to depend on big SUVs less in the future, we will need light transport, public rail and CNG delivery systems. We will continue to need drill rigs and earth movers. We will need an underground superconducting super-secure electricity and data backbone. We will want Household size easy and efficient composting systems. The new economy needs a lot of new things but three big auto companies? No, sorry. Can't you learn to make some of the things we do need though? Since GM and GE both took money from the government can't they work together to manufacture the wind systems GE in already producing and using overseas? I encourage you to take the long view and not to squander the country's resources propping up the status quo which further wastes our resources by producing unneeded vehicles and jobs that do not have a net positive effect.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Why USPS can't make money;(
Information about shipment
Ship Carrier:
Tracking Number:
In transit
Order #:
Shipment Date:
January 7, 2009
Evanston, IL, United States
Estimated Arrival:
January 13, 2009
Track your package
Event Details
January 9, 2009
11:07:00 PM
Arrival Scan
January 7, 2009
03:07:00 AM
Shipment has left seller facility and is in transit
Ship Carrier:
Tracking Number:
In transit
Order #:
Shipment Date:
January 7, 2009
Evanston, IL, United States
Estimated Arrival:
January 13, 2009
Track your package
Event Details
January 9, 2009
11:07:00 PM
Arrival Scan
January 7, 2009
03:07:00 AM
Shipment has left seller facility and is in transit
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Toward a healthier meatloaf
CB's SCD GF/CF Meat loaf ![](
Preheat oven to 325
1 lb ground chicken
1/2 small ripe pumpkin or 1 package frozen squash
3/4 c hazelnut flour or other ground nuts
2/3 cup finely diced pickled beets, carrots or cauliflower
2 eggs
2 T ground flaxseed mixed with 6 T boiling water in small bowl
1/2 c salsa verde with cilantro and green olives
2 t salt
1 T Italian seasoning
1T Oregano
1 t sage
1t thyme
1t Hungarian 1/2 sharp paprika
1t Baharat . spice
2 cloves garlic minced
1 shallot minced
1/4 c minced onion
1 can drained green beans
1/2 green pepper finely diced
1/2 red pepper strips
1/2 cup shredded carrots
1/2 c lentils
Possible Substitutes:
Steamed Cauliflower (1/2 head) and carrots (2/3 c) for pumpkin
Double eggs or double flaxseed mix to eliminate the other
Lamb or turkey for chicken
Mix all ingredients in heavy duty mixer on med-hi speed until it is a mealy thick soup add chicken gradually until all is well blended. Pour into oiled large bread pan (4 x 10 x 3), smooth out and top with ketchup, diced tomatos and shallots, or salsa. Cook 325 for 1 hour or until knife comes out clean and meat loaf is slice-able.
Preheat oven to 325
1 lb ground chicken
1/2 small ripe pumpkin or 1 package frozen squash
3/4 c hazelnut flour or other ground nuts
2/3 cup finely diced pickled beets, carrots or cauliflower
2 eggs
2 T ground flaxseed mixed with 6 T boiling water in small bowl
1/2 c salsa verde with cilantro and green olives
2 t salt
1 T Italian seasoning
1T Oregano
1 t sage
1t thyme
1t Hungarian 1/2 sharp paprika
1t Baharat . spice
2 cloves garlic minced
1 shallot minced
1/4 c minced onion
1 can drained green beans
1/2 green pepper finely diced
1/2 red pepper strips
1/2 cup shredded carrots
1/2 c lentils
Possible Substitutes:
Steamed Cauliflower (1/2 head) and carrots (2/3 c) for pumpkin
Double eggs or double flaxseed mix to eliminate the other
Lamb or turkey for chicken
Mix all ingredients in heavy duty mixer on med-hi speed until it is a mealy thick soup add chicken gradually until all is well blended. Pour into oiled large bread pan (4 x 10 x 3), smooth out and top with ketchup, diced tomatos and shallots, or salsa. Cook 325 for 1 hour or until knife comes out clean and meat loaf is slice-able.
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